
Showing posts from June, 2021

True love feeling

                          प्यार  तुम ऐसे ही सोए बेखबर, न होश या न खबर, हम जाग रहे हैं तेरे खयालों में, तेरे ख्वाबों को दिन के उजाले में देख रहे , तेरी मीठी यादों में बेचैन, तेरा इंतज़ार कर रहे हैं हम।  तुम बहुत प्यारे हो,तुमसे मिले बिना और बात किए बिना रहा नही जाता, दिन नहीं गुजरता, रात नहीं गुजरती।  हम क्या करें, आप ही बताएं....आप हमारे हैं, सिर्फ हमारे हैं, ये हमारा हक है कहने का, हां हम तुमसे प्यार करते हैं, बहुत प्यार करते हैं.

Love feeling

                    My Love You slept like this oblivious, neither awareness nor news, we are awake in your thoughts, seeing your dreams in the light of day, restless in your sweet memories, we are waiting for you. You are so lovely, without see you and  Can't live without talking you, day doesn't pass, night doesn't pass. What should we do, you only tell .... you are ours, only ours, this is our right to say, yes we love you, love a lot.

God's Love

We all are servant of God but we forget our service for what Made us .God is our creator ,we are everytime busy in earning money without doing our services so we suffer in life . sometimes God gives us signals but we ignore it, not try to understand . Difficulties are God's signal and happiness is his blessings . Dear God please keep his blessings on all of us .we are not perfect and we are statues of mistakes.  Can anyone tell or guess  Why we have come on the earth or created us .......... comment me


Without communication, there is no relationship. Without respect, there is no love. Without trust, there is no reason to continue. In every relationship , everyone has to need of better understanding with his /her partner with strong faith and love .

True love

Distance can never be a hindrance.If love is true and by heart ,Truly  love God's Grace . Distance , poverty and anyone else can not be distroy it .


If you want a wonderful relationship, then play it deeply, wonderful pearls are never found on the shore...!!

Love feelings

I want only you ,for doing angerness ,for quarreling, for sleeping  putting your head on my chest ,for walking hand in hand and for doing lots of love.........I want only you

Real love

Difference between love and lust  The eternal form of love is devotion, the rejected form of love is lust.   1-Love Seeing the attitude, which is pleasing to the mind, lust - seeing the appearance, the one who gets mad.. 2 - Love is the ocean of the emotions of the mind, lust is the dirty wave that rises in the mind.   3-Love   Unable to meet eyes even after wanting Lust - Constant chastisement of the curves of the body.. 4 - Where there is love there can be lust but where there is lust there cannot be love.

Love feeling

Loving you is the best feeling for me ❤️. your love is my strength . your love gives me new energy to work 🌹 . How much I love you I don't know but only know you are my everything ❤️

God of earth

                  Divine Love Mother is wonderful form of woman ,mother is most beautiful face of world,she is God of earth ,she never angry with her children even when children are do bad with her yet she pray for them . whenever her children are in pain ,her heart always hurt  .if we love our mother ,give respect to her ,obey her order we meet with our real soul because she is divine form. So mother's love is divine love " I will be there for you all the time and be that pillar of strength that you can always rely on to support you through life. I love you, dear DAMMY 🥰 " 

Mother's Love

I will be there for you all the time and be that pillar of strength that you can always rely on to support you through life. I love you, dear DAMMY🥰

Self Respect

Self love is that when you think about yourself and give respect to your own self  Giving time to self assessment .all that things make you happy and successful 

Happy life

                Positive thoughts Thank you to those who cheat.. They not only make us cry but also teach us to live life..


Relationships should be kept like sandalwood, even if there are thousands of pieces, but the fragrance does not go away.

Cute love

Love also you, angryness also with you, can't live without you, day and night think about you... why do you look so cute

True soulmates

True love is a boon and blessings of God . when God graces meet with your true soulmate 

True love

if you have come fall in love again and you find true love or your soulmate ,it means your life want to again smile

Happy life

Never complain to your life , every one get one or many chances to change his life , try to always recognise it then your life will become smiling .

Happy life

I will win definitely but not immediately Self-Confidence brings happiness of success ,it gives us belief that one day we will successful after difficulties .we will face every critical situation of life happily         So always smile and do work happily in every situation      One day you will win definitely 👍

True Relationship

Make thousands of relationships in the world, but make one relationship out of those relationships in such a way that even when thousands are against you, they are with you.


 Giving time to relationships at a time is as important as giving water to plants on time.

Love feelings

Love also you, angry also with you, can't live without you, day and night think about you... why do you look so cute

True love

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day because I never have to live without you."

True beauty

True beauty is natural beauty that is in our heart , positive thoughts make it strong

Good morning 🌞

Good morning to someone special in your life whom you want to see happy

Honest Relation

Honest Relation When a person is honest with his /her soul mate ,his/her sixth sense awake and he knows about his partner 

love feeling

Love is a natural beauty of soul that comes in pure and honest heart ❤️


  Friends are born not made  They are just like soul mates


Being the husband of a woman is not a special thing, but it is a special thing to be the best man in that woman's life.